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Quality assurance in a sentence

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Sentence count:142Posted:2017-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: assurancereassuranceliability insurancedisability insurancecasualty insurancesocial insurancequalityequality
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121. Watts Regulator is ISO 9001 certified. Our extensive quality assurance program includes continuous inspection through each stage of the production process.
122. Software quality assurance is related to the practice of quality assurance in product manufacturing.
123. It provides the video games industry with outsourced services such as localisation and quality assurance.
124. The company has advanced production checkout equipment, perfect quality assurance series.
125. Relatively high criteria for quality assurance of malodor sampling were also required.
125. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
126. Reporter in that must pay $600, and doing must reach the rated load and quality assurance.
127. Semi - militarization of the company management, quality assurance in the leading domestic level.
128. Objective To introduce and investigate the method of quality assurance and quality control of Intensity modulation radiation therapy.
129. Therefore, good practice and a good quality assurance program would include the frequent monitoring of the volume of fill, such as every 15 minutes.
130. Maintain and continual improve corporate active ISO 9001:2000 QMS and nuclear quality assurance program.
131. All productions and factories management of the company are strictly performed in accordance with the ISO quality assurance requirements.
132. The concept of torque validation is a central theme in every successful quality assurance program.
133. The Contracto2r shall submit work plans for the work to be undertaken in compliance with the Quality Assurance requirements of the Contract Conditions including off site precasting.
134. The Contractor shall submit work plans for the work to be undertaken in compliance with the Quality Assurance requirements of the Contract Conditions including off site precasting .
135. Furthermore[], the aging speed of bread was reduced and its quality assurance period was tended by addition of PF.
136. The supervisor should ascertain not only the reliability of the individual value obtained, but also the significance these OOS results represent in the overall quality assurance program.
137. Volume is also fundamental to quality assurance, as the size of the software product is the denominator for the defect density ratio.
138. Diversification, pluralization and integration are the basic features of higher education quality assurance of Japan.
139. The quality assurance system serves the better function to enhancing accuracy of field acquisition data and eliminating various errors during working and reducing period seismic data processing.
140. The issue of quality assurance in the analytical chemistry laboratory has become of great importance in recent years.
141. CHARIOTEER PHARM. has a solidly based Quality Control and Quality Assurance system.
142. They have been mainly reflected in professionalisation, diversification, internationalization of higher education and gradually improved the higher education quality assurance system.
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